Workout of the Day: This is our most popular class and is pre-programmed Monday through Friday, consisting of a warm-up, strength or skill piece, and a WOD to finish off the hour.
During this class you have the option to do other workouts, accessory work, or strength training. Like all other classes, a trainer will oversee the group and give some direction. We will also run the regularly scheduled WOD during this class time.
Olympic Lifting: This class is for all skill levels, but especially beginners who need to practice technique of the barbell snatch and barbell clean & jerk. These lifts are commonly programmed in our WOD's so this class is a perfect opportunity to spend some extra time working on efficiency of these movements.
This class focuses on specific skills we do during the WODs or as a strength piece. If you want to learn new movements or if you are struggling to get your double-unders, toes-to-bar, or any other skill, this is a great class to really break down movements and learn how to perfect them.
In this cardio-based class, we will work on improving your body's ability to maximize oxygen intake to get your endurance up. We'll help you find and manage your pace on the ergs (bike, rower, ski) so it can carry over to regular WODs.
There is a warm-up and the Saturday coach programs a partner WOD that you will complete with another athlete in the class. You "share" reps with each other, which means you usually get to rest as your partner completes their reps. This is a fun class that doesn't have quite the same structure as our WOD classes, but very similar. Bring a friend or make a new one here!
The trainer works out with the class! Typically, the WOD will be done during this class. If this is a Sunday Train With The Trainer, then a more intense and challenging workout is programmed (sometimes a Hero WOD) so not always ideal for the beginner.
This class is exactly what the name suggests. Some days it will be more focused on body-building, and others it may be geared more towards olympic or power lifts with the barbell. Either way, you are getting stronger!
This class is a great class for anyone who is new to CrossFit and may be a little hesitant to jump right in on a regularly scheduled class. We will introduce you to the basic movements used on a daily basis in a small group, beginner friendly setting. Our knowledgeable coaches will set you up for success! These sessions are only offered a few times per year so keep your eye on our schedule and our social media pages.
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